Monday, September 18, 2006

Welcome to Ontario!

Great day today. Weather is still iffy but roads and scenery have improved, we actually saw trees, rocks and hills! Eastern Manitoba is actually quite nice from a westerner's point of view. The landscape just seemed to improve with every kilometre east of Winnipeg.

FACTOID OF THE DAY: The geographical centre of Canada is 22 K's east of Winnipeg!

MYTHBUSTERS: Yes indeed, there are traffic lights on the Trans Canada Highway. Many of them.

A visit to the The Royal Canadian Mint in Winnipeg was on deck for today. An interesting operation that can be observed behind security windows. They have escorted tours only, and every other one is in French/English, so timing your arrival is critical. Photo of Fellette is at a restored retired stamping machine.

Next thing we knew we were in Ontario.

The town of Kenora looked like an interesting place to ride your bike around on a sunny day, but that was not to be.

We saw our first hint of Fall Colours in the hills around Lake of the Woods.

The countryside is really very beautiful, there seems to be a picturesque lake every kilometre or so.

A cosy RV camp west of Dryden is our home for the night.


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