Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Monday, September 11

We pulled out of Kelowna at 9.30 am, heading north to Hwy. 1, otherwise known as The Trans-Canada Highway.

A rather uneventful day, except for some great scenery and much watching cars overtake us on the hills. We stopped at Craigellachie for a bit, that is where the Last Spike was driven on the CPR in 1885, named after the village in Scotland.

We passed over the Monashee Mountains and the Selkirks today, hills, hills, hills. Up past the summit at Rogers Pass. A beautiful day today but it must be treacherous in the winter as we went through numerous snow-sheds there.

Lunch was at a gravel parking lot in Revelstoke National Park. Then to Golden where we were greeted by a herd of Big Horn sheep as we pulled in.

We came in at 5.15, and lost an hour in time zones today.

We are in a RV camp that is 20% full. A "Cruise Canada" 28 foot RV came in a few minutes ago. A middle aged couple and an older couple, [I assume the parents of one of them], are travelling with them. That is what you call a 'close-knit family,' either that or they have great expectation levels.

As I said a rather bland day, not like pulling into Zanzibar or Mombassa, but I think we are OK with it though. [For a while.] Calgary tomorrow?


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