Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bits and pieces...

Busy day today, the truck went in at 8 am for a thorough servicing for the grueling job ahead. Maybe 15,000 - 17,000 miles, [25,000 k's]. Then off to Langley on errands, I need a few bits for the trailer, plus I am having a satellite radio put in the car and trailer, I have an appointment tomorrow! I bought the hardware at the Future Shop. Yesterday I found out that the brakes on the trailer need servicing, after six phone calls, success, it goes in Friday am.

Next, to get a laser printer for the rolling office. $89.00, prices have come down. Back to the Farm, installed the bits and pieces, plus got the trailer micro-wave going. Picked up the truck.

Fellette cut some lawn, did two loads of wash, and pruned two rows of raspberries. Weather was hot as heck.

Three Parkes girls went to school today, briefley. Jeanette is happy, and so are the kids. Good teachers, good chums.

We will likely leave this weekend, not too sure if we will be back in time for the Family Christmas Party early December.

Hope your day went well.


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