Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thursday, September 14th

The mountains are gone, the rain is here!

We visited the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta. It is a world class museum, devoted entirely to dinosaurs world-wide but primarily to the ones found in the area. It is the largest collection of dinosaur fossils in the world. The surrounding countryside is sand-mud combinations. No rocks at all. The bones keep getting exposed by the elements and have to be collected and tucked away for future work because the bones disintegrate after exposure to rain, sun, freezing, etc. Great stuff.

Then we pushed on to Highway One again, somewhat south. As we turned EAST I felt that we were now on our way to the Atlantic Ocean! The rolling hills have finally flattened out with a small undulations that mother nature puts in to keep us alert. It looks like the wheat crops are in and now starts the long wait to spring. Not too many towns enroute.

We pulled off the road at Brooks for the night. The provincial camp is shut for the year, but it is open if you only need electricity. We are nestled in the trees with a cluster of other RVers. The trees are dripping on the trailer, with the odd heavy rain on the roof. It is time to relax after a spaghetti dinner and a glass of wine.

I am rather pleased with our pace, rather slow but quite enjoyable and Fellette drove for the first time today. She has a bit of difficulty keeping the speed and rpm's down. I am not too popular right now. Not to worry.


At Saturday, September 16, 2006, Blogger Craig said...

That big-horned bovine skull reminds me of my bull, James (that's his picture on the right)

P.S. We printed the tickets for the Royal Tyrell Museum!


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