Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday, September 16

In Regina, at an RV camp.

We left Herbert around 9.30 AM in a chilly wind but no rain. We had a great evening with Garry and Mary. Today we had the wind with us. It does make a difference.

We took a quick run through Herbert, where it seems that Saturday may be a slow day there. The train station that is now the tourist office.

We had mixed weather for the two hour run to Moose Jaw. There we went to "The Tunnels" which is a sort of living museum, of life for the Chinese labourers that were unemployed there as a result of the Railway being finished in 1885. It is too complicated to explain, but certainly worth a visit. It takes an hour.

Then to Regina, one hour east, to visit the RCMP Museum.

Other than some poor location advice in the brochure and poor signage it was uneventful. The Museum is free and self-guided. Again, it was very informative. We then drifted east again a few Ks and camped for the night in an RV camp that is very adequate and has free wireless!!

The weather has lightened up a bit, coolish and all that but at least the rain has stopped.

This is a very big country, and we are not yet half way across. The prairies were not as boring as people said they are, and we rather enjoy it and will likely head a bit south of the Trans-Canada to get into some rural days as we move east.

Gas prices have been consistent around the low 90's per litre.

We are hopeful of better weather but are very happy with the road conditions and light traffic. The heater is on as I write this and tonight we will warm up the flannel pyjamas before putting them on!


At Saturday, September 16, 2006, Blogger Craig said...

We print the tickets for "The Tunnels of Moose Jaw" too!


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