Friday, September 08, 2006

There is not enough time today..

Last day before we go. Up early to get the trailer down to have the brakes done and wheel bearings checked and packed.

Then we went to work and did a bit of handyman stuff, and said goodbye to the staff. Then we went to our home in Langley and got the last of the needed supplies etc. for the trailer and to turn the keys over to friends looking after the house. Then to pick up the trailer while Fellette did grocery shopping.

We now have to pack the trailer. This is critical, it is our home for three months. I have numerous tools for almost any eventuality, extra propane bottles, and some furniture we are taking to our nephew in Atlanta. I also fitted the bike rack on and secured the bikes. Then I thought it would be prudent to check the tire chains to make sure they fit and to have some experience in doing it. That went surprisingly well. However I am sure in the dark, with ice on the ground and water on my glasses and my fingers frozen it may be somewhat different experience. Oh well. Next I topped up the water tank to about 2/3. Checked the tire pressure and had a beer. Time to check all the appliances, [this should have been done days ago, but the trailer was not available]

Weight is a big issue on a trip like this. Somehow my caution about the number of socks and underwear that I packed seems irrelevant when I am tossing 45# propane bottles andd a sack with 25# of chain in the back. My tools alone weigh over 100#. My idea about taking tinned beer istead of bottled because of the weight now also seems unimportant.

Meanwhile Fellette keeps bringing out vast quantities of food and clothing. No matter how much we plan and pack, I guarantee that we will have forgotten something important. We will know what it was in 24 hours. Now eight o'clock and dark out, time for dinner!


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