Sunday, September 17, 2006

The longest Carwash in the world!

[From Calgary to Portage La Prairie]

Rain all night and rain all day. It stopped at 5.00 PM. What a pleasure to pull into the RV camp that holds 185 and we are only the second to arrive, likely the last, and no rain. Time for a few fix-it jobs on the trailer. The door was hard to shut because the constant rain had swelled some shims. The front window rock shield had a brace come loose, and the trailer had excessive condensation in it from us being unable to have open vents and windows.

A few hours after we left Regina in the morning in teeming rain, I felt dozy and asked Fellette to drive. For the next two hours we had about the worst driving conditions we have ever encountered. The highway was not divided, one lane each way, teeming rain and the paving had wheel ruts from heavy trucks. These ruts had an inch or two of water that made steering difficult. The wind only allowed us to do about 80 Ks in a 110 zone. The result was being overtaken by trailer trucks that showered us so that we were virtually sightless for a few seconds, and the oncoming truck traffic did the same. Fellette did a marvellous job, although this is very tiring.

The highlight of the day, other than the rain stopping was a visit to The Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum in Brandon, Manitoba.

We spent an hour there with an escorted guided tour, the tour group consisted of us two, nice. It is now a National Historic Site and gets federal funding. Anybody with any interest in history or aviation would be delighted.

The other highlight was a visit to Indian Head, Saskatchewan to see the large rock where buffalo rubbed.

I guess that shows that people make the best of what you have to deal with.

It is now 6.45 AM the next day and I am writing this blog. We had a somewhat disturbed sleep. The camp is amongst tall deciduous trees. The rain started shortly after we retired for the night and the result was sounds on the roof that sounded like gumdrops being pelted at us. This seemed to come in waves and did not make for good sleeping conditions. All part of the adventure.

We are somewhat surprised by the lack of fellow travellers, maybe they know something we don't! Time will tell.


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