Saturday, October 21, 2006

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

October 21

Enough lollygagging around, time to get some miles on! 611 kilometres today, [about 370 miles]. Great roads and weather. PLUS the fall colours were about the best we have seen. The photo did not capture the best of it, but gives some idea of the route today.

We left north of Boston about 8.30. Today we decided to take Interstates and Turnpikes, [toll roads]. The cost is not great and it certainly makes a difference in time, frustrations and wear and tear on you and the vehicles.

We passed through parts of the following states in our eight hour day; Mass, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and finally we are in Pennsylvania, within striking distance of Gettysburg. By far the best roads in the entire trip were in New Jersey.

We had a somewhat scary adventure while zipping along after lunch. In spite of all the navigational aids and maps in the world we got turned around and found ourselves hurtling at 105 Ks/HR on the freeway straight to the jungle of downtown New York, my worst nightmare. Finally I pulled off and found a golf driving range and explained our situation to a gentleman there. He asked where we wanted to go and then said, "do you want to go over the George Washington Bridge?" I would rather walk on glass than drive down through that mess. So he directed us to the Tappen Zee Bridge, very close by that would get us heading west again. Soon we were pulled over by a very nice New York State Trooper. Apparently we were in an area where only 'passenger cars' could be. He somewhat apologised for the by-law in our case, he then confirmed our directions to Pennsylvania and wished us a safe journey.

As we passed over this very impressive bridge we got a very nice view of the skyline of New York City. Scary!

We arrived at the campsite for the night to find it chock-o-block full of New Yorkers and locals. We found out from one couple that people just like to get out and be in the country in the fall, sitting by a smoky campfire as the kids go on hay rides and ride their bikes or play by the stream running nearby. The owner of the camp could not explain the crowds either, they are sold out this and next weekend, then they shut down and go to Texas for the winter.

I wonder if it has something to do with the US involvement in Iraq? You realise down here that there is a war on. Flags, yellow ribbons and "welcome home" banners on overpasses, etc. Maybe some nesting instinct with the kids that now are more precious than ever? Who knows, but it is nice to see.

I turned on the computer and checked the weather. "Cold Front Sweeps the Nation and Heads South", really! Too much information Doug.

Gas prices for you that are interested...the lowest we saw was in Mass. at .62c C$/litre. Ranging up to .74c/litre. We passed the 11,000 kilometre mark today.

Only three photos today folks, you got them all! Taken at 100 kph.


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