Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Freeport Maine, IS L.L. Bean and Company

October 17

Off in the morning to see what this L. L. Bean thing is all about. We are camped five minutes from the Town of Freeport, which was incorporated some 200 plus years ago.

Today, Route One still goes through Freeport, but it is called Main Street. It is exceptionally tidy and well maintained. There is a stretch of about a little over half a kilometre where virtually every building is a Factory Outlet of some sort. The rub is they are in historic buildings, or ones built in that style. Abercrombie and Fitch is occupying the old Carnegie Library, built around 1910. It is a Mecca for shoppers. It seems that most major brands of clothing makers moved an outlet to Freeport because of the draw that L.L. Bean has here. There are some pretty glum looking guys around. last night we had a trailer pull in next to us in the dark, rather late. I spoke to the man this morning. His wife wanted to go to L.L. Bean after they arrived, he said NO. He just wants to go home!

This morning we were soon parked and decided to browse the main store first. There are four stores that we know of; Retail Store, [open 24/365] Hunting and Fishing, Bike Shop and Factory Store, [reduced items and old stock]. In the Main Store, suddenly there before my eyes were all the good things that I really, really wanted all my life but never got; Sheepskin-lined zip-up winter boots, neat shirts and pants that will make me look cool and suave, full of elan, just like the models that look so good in them, plus jackets that I really, really, really need. The Mad Bomber fur hat will be great in the winter at the condo Doug! The knife department had all the knives that I have wanted all my life.

Fellette looked at some clothes too.

Next we got out of there and walked to the Factory Outlet and came down to earth. A few purchases were made there to satisfy my urge. Back to the Hunting and Fishing Store. There I did buy a replacement for my old Buck Knife that has been relegated to my "old knives collection" (yep, I have an old knife collection). I even have the knife I bought the day I ordered our engagement ring in 1962. By the way, for those of you that have been looking everywhere without success for camouflage duct tape, they have it at L.L. Bean!

Back to the main store where we did spend more than we had planned. Please realise that we left home knowing that we would buy enroute, some needed clothing to allow a bit of change in our wardrobe throughout the three months.

Next to the library to get and send e-mail.

Next in quest of a hairdresser for Fellette to get a cut and perm. While there and waiting, I just happened to turn on my computer and log into the Wi-Fi of the Subway sandwich shop two doors down.

Next to top up our food supply at a supermarket, then home to do laundry and have a nap before heading out for ANOTHER dinner out tonight.


Banana Republic Factory Outlet

Perm time

Laundry Duty in Freeport (Fellette brushing up on Acadian History, seeing she married one)

I do hope that those of you who read our blogs realise that I write these comments with a wierd sense of humour with tongue placed firmly in cheek. Life is too short to be serious.


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