Saturday, October 14, 2006

Blue-Sky Morning in Maine

October 14

Short driving day today, 60 Ks to Lubec. The most Easterly US Town. We arrived at 10 to a rather gungy run-down RV camp without an attendant. We drove in and picked a spot that seemed about the best in an open field in the woods. Hooked up and took off to Campabello Island [NB], where the Roosevelt Summer Cottage is.

After clearing Canada Customs [?] we were in the park. We drove to the very top of the Island, about a 25 K run where the Lighthouse is under volunteer maintenance. Fellette and I walked out close to it as the tide was out. The views around here are magnificent, small seaports and vistas in the distance at every turn.

On the way we passed homes of fishermen who have pulled their lobster traps in for the year and some are repainting the floats.

Others have them stacked high in the yards or in the forest adjacent.

Back to Roosevelt's Cottage, [28 rooms], and we walked the grounds then took in the videos. It is an interesting history.

Next we cleared US customs [?] and toured the town of Lubec.

At their library we managed to get and receive e-mail. We then scoped the town trying to line up a suitable place for a Saturday-night dinner. We located one on the way back to the RV. We also noticed that there was an open RV camp that should have been shut according to the books we had. We dropped in, yes they were open, what a beautiful setting, again, on the water, vistas of small villages across the bays.

Back to our lonely, dingy, gungy, dreary, hovel in the woods. We hooked up and left, stopping on the way out to offer $10 for the parking of our trailer for a few hours. Nobody home. Bingo, down the road a few Ks, and picked our dream spot for the day. Came back and read the mail. Including some sagas from my talented niece Barbara, a budding Danielle Steele.

It is also nice to get notes from many of you that are following this odyssey of ours.

Boring FACTOID of the day: Did you know that Dalhousie University In Halifax was funded by moneys collected in New England ports that the British occupied during the War of 1812? Dalhousie was Governor at the time, his idea.


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