Thursday, October 12, 2006

In Fundy National Park, New Brunswick

October 12

Today, in the rain, we did the following...

Tried to get a hair appointment for Fellette, shut.

Tried to get on the Internet, shut.

Tried to mail some letters, shut?

Fellette watched three hours and fifteen minutes of Anne of Green Gables. [She bought the videos in PEI.]

Somebody ate a whole bag of pop-corn.

I read Evangeline, by Longfellow.

I did a lot of napping.

After the rain stopped we went for a short walk.

It was great, we needed a day of nothing, we have been on the go for about five weeks almost non-stop. We were aware of the weather forecast and decided to hunker down for the day.

Photo is of our respite stop, and a fish boat at low tide. The tides are twenty feet here. Can anybody figure out the method of that egg-crate like thing that is propped under the boats, I know it is to stop them from tipping over, but how does it get there?

Heading for the USA tomorrow, Maine.


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