Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Roaming Hotel.

Well, we have seen many vehicles on the road, but recently we saw one that is worthy of comment.

In Montreal, at a RV site there it was, camped for the day. Empty. I assume the occupants were in Montreal for the day. We did a closer look and it appears to be a bus that has seating for 25 people and sleeping accommodation for 25, plus the driver.

It is called a Rotel. It has a European plate on it as well as an Alaskan. I don't imagine this one has 26 people sleeping in it, but somewhere in the world you can bet there is. I cannot even begin to imagine the closeness that such a vehicle would offer. Gadzooks, imagine the 26th person to get to the washroom in the morning! Or, the various sounds that 25 people make when sleeping in those close quarters.

The bodies, [I mean people], sleep across the width of the bus. Each appears to have a window of some sort at the head of their coffin, I mean [bed]. The opposite side has room for luggage of some sort. Do you think that the bottom one at the rear is for a double bed. Imagine making your bed?

Maybe late tonight we will sneak up and knock on 26 windows and run and hide!


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