Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The History lesson continues....

October 3

A blue sky day today, but the weather map of PEI doesn't look good. Off we go to Charlottetown, [population 32,000], the capital of PEI and it's 135,000 inhabitants. [With four MP's I might add.]

It is a small Island and we are only 40 K's from the place where Canada as a confederation started. We visited that building and toured it after a 20 minute video. The building is a National Historic site, looked after by the Federal Government. The PEI Provincial Government still uses it as their Legislative Assembly. The room that they sit and govern in is quite small, 26 MLA's total. My Grandmother had more people sit down for a Sunday Dinner than they have in their parliament!

Again, the roads are fantastic. I guess the 10% sales tax helps. We bought a box of Anne of Green Gables Chocolates, yes, they have those too, for the chocaholics at work back home. Now, how to get them there? [We may have to eat them Luci!]

The toll to get off of PEI on that Confederation Bridge cost us $56.00 [No charge to get on, so to eliminate the toll you live there.]

Once across we took the coastal road in Nova Scotia winding our way through little settlements as we went. They don't seem to have many, if any, scenic pull-offs. We noticed that all across the country, that is a BC thing. The countryside is very rural, not as scenic or pretty as PEI. The homes and farms seem somewhat tired looking in comparison. Not at all the Perky Anne of Green Gables look that seems to prevail in PEI.

We took our time and Fellette drove a good portion of the way. She suggested we stop at a winery and get a bottle of wine, for me, she doesn't drink. Lo and behold, we are off the beaten bath at a place called Malagash, where there is a very large prosperous winery with skads of visitors. I tried two wines, a red and white, bought one of each and now Fellette must drive. I don't drive with a hint of alcohol on my breath. Fellette loves to drive but this trip I have done most of it so far. Nice trick Fellette.

We finally got to Pictou, where we had picked a spot for the night. We got lost three times, at one point going around the roundabout three times before picking the wrong road. I finally take the wheel as we have to turn around on a rural road. At last we find our spot, the only transient guests, the place is officially closed for the season.

Great day, a rather frantic end to it, but in a matter of a few minutes we are settled in and preparing dinner, and behold, free Internet!

Photos are of the legislature and around Charlottetown.


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