Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wawa to Sturgeon Falls, Ontario

September 21

We may all have preconceived ideas of what certain things that we may have never seen are like, at least I do. For example, I always assumed that Sudbury and the area around it was a big dirty unattractive mining area, and that the whole scene would be rather depressing. How wrong I was! The landscape from western Ontario to here so far area is absolutely breathtaking. It is low rolling hills of solid rock, carpeted with low growing deciduous and evergreen trees. At this time of the year it looks like a painting or a calendar.

We got an early start and went to The High Falls at Wawa.

For the next hour or so, all the lakes that we passed on the highway, and there is one about every couple of kilometres, had a mist or fog over it as the early morning sun started to heat up the day. Photographs cannot possibly capture the beauty of it.

The weather today was the best ever, and the highway was virtually empty. Generally, a good day. We did put many miles on today as we want to get into Ottawa early and get ready for a bit of sightseeing in a city.

Today's highlight, other than the continuous gorgeous scenery, was a visit to a roadside craft stand that had some of the most beautiful crafts, and carvings by Indians and locals that you will likely every see.

The trapping and fur business is alive and well in Canada, in spite of Bridget Bardot.

Tonight we are camped on the shores of Lake Nippissing,

Doesn't that sound neat!


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