Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ottawa by Bus

September 24

Blue skies greeted us in the morning after a blustery night. The 15 minute drive to Sparks and Metcalfe Street was ably accomplished by our trusty navigator "Jane", watched carefully by Fellette.

Hop-on-hop-off bus was the choice of the day. It certainly is a beautiful and well managed city. The area around the Parliament buildings is very open and comfortable. Today was the day that they were honouring the Law Enforcement people who died in the service. There were about 2,000,000 police officers from all over the continent for an assembly and parade.

We hopped on and took off on the hour long tour. I can see why powerful people in business and politics who live in the fancy areas in Ottawa can get a little headstrong. The place seems to be geared to the rich and powerful, with little perks, privileges and protection for them. One could soon lose touch with reality and the masses if you were living in that world for too long. [Stop being judgmental Doug!]

We hopped off at Rideau Hall, the Governor General's Residence. A massive estate, more in line with some Earl or Duke's home in medieval England. The front of the building is under renovation

the scaffolding and protective cover on it cost more than the average home. This is to give the stonemasons protection as they work on the face of the building.

The whole area around there, [Rockcliffe], is probably the most prestigious area in Canada. The Prime Minister's Residence is close by, also reminiscent of Old Canada.

I guess to govern a successful progressive country one needs to have all the trappings of power. They certainly have it, so there is no excuse for not giving it their all.

We lingered in Bytown, a trendy, market area and splurged for fish and chips!

We took the tour of the Parliament Buildings. Again steeped in tradition and a very beautiful structure. When we looked into the floor of the house of commons a shudder went through me, wondering about the well-meaning people that went into politics and were soon to realise how ineffective they were with their high goals, against the establishment. So much is done on the basis of seniority, from where you sit, park, your office space, etc. It is a meat-grinder in there.

Next, a visit to the Senate chamber, where I will not comment for fear of offending readers.

A short ride to a nearby Starbucks to get onto the Internet and send a few days blogs, and receive some mail. Nice to hear from some of you, no matter how little you say, thanks.

The photo of these two old folks is our first, and last attempt at self-photography!


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