Friday, November 10, 2006

There is something about Texas...

November 10

There is something about Texas that I like. I can't put my finger on it but we have driven through Texas twice before and I just plain like it. Maybe it is the wide open spaces, maybe the 'don't mess with Texas' attitude. It somehow seems cleaner and friendlier than many other states. [One man's opinion.]

We met up with friends from the French River Cruise two years ago, Bill and Joyce. We met them at their realty office and had a chit-chat and then out to lunch and a bit of a tour of their neck of the woods. Slightly north of Houston, Kingwood.

We were only on the ship[s] with them for about 15 days but as soon as we saw them I realised why we clicked together. They are just plain and simple 'nice folks'. She a gracious lady and he a proper gentleman, in the true sense of the world.

Between them they have 17 grandchildren! Yep, 17. When travelling, each grand-kid gets the same gift. So shopping is easy, spot something that suits them all and buy 17 of them!

Bill and Joyce are Realtors. Actually Joyce was in the business before Bill, who worked with Exxon for about three thousand years before meeting Joyce. If you are looking for a nice place to settle in after selling your home at an inflated price, try Houston. The prices are about 1/2 of Vancouver's prices and I am sure much less than most areas. The area is upper middle class. it is just the market and a bit of overbuilding.

During our drives the last week or so we have noticed that the trip seems to have taken on a different scope. In Eastern Canada, the Maritimes and North-East US, there is so much to see in the way of history and attractions. We would sometimes drive only 60 Ks in a day. Lately there is a lot of open spaces. Sometimes beautiful countrysides and scenery, sometimes rather bland, but not much of historical significance.

Looking at a map of the remainder of the journey there are not too many attractions [that we know of], that interest us. We have some we want to see, but we have been through that way before. I don't feel comfortable heading north east of the Rockies this time of the year. We would really like to see some of the Plain States, but looking at the weather charts I don't think that is in the cards.

We will be in Texas for another several days and then head to Las Vegas. [We have saved up $7.50 to gamble there.] Neither Fellette nor I have ever been there and it is on our list. After that, who knows the route home. Depends upon Mother Nature.

My driver's licence expires November 26th! Oops! An extension is in the mail!

Hot here folks, F. 87 yesterday! Really.

Two pictures, one in Houston, the other with them in France.


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