Saturday, November 04, 2006

Moving Down South...

November 4

Great day today. It is Saturday, so life is a bit more leisurely in the household.

By 8.00 AM we were up and around, most of us anyhow. After breakfast a quick run to check out a future Sun-Room-Deck construction job at the Main Household. After a quick lunch Robin, Madison [7], Fellette and I drove out to a Civil War Battle Re-enactment. In this case The Battle of Chickamauga, September 1863. [The Rebels won this one.]

We arrived before the scheduled battle, [2.00 PM], in time to wander through the Union and Confederate camps where the actors were getting ready to do battle. It was really quite stirring to see the period costumes and listen to the doctor or the storekeeper talk in the past tense. About as many women as men were also dressed in costume.

We do not really know what happened at the battle or the re-enactment to tell you the truth. All we know that it was very noisy, smoky and confusing. Just like a real battle I assume. Most of us enjoyed the noise and smoke that was everywhere for just about an hour. We were seated very close to the six Union artillery pieces that fired many, many, very noisy "blanks" at the rebel forces across the ravine.

I think the most impressive was when all six fired a barrage at once. It should have frightened any enemy within earshot and gave moral support to the shooters. It certainly was a bit of a thrill to the onlookers.

Click here for a great little video of the canon barrage that Robin took.

After the survivors and the miraculously risen dead trooped back to their tent lines we browsed the shops, set up in tents. There you could buy just about any piece of clothing, uniform or accessory needed to join either the Union or Confederate Army.

All in all it was a great day and a wonderful finale to our 12 day stay in Atlanta.

Tomorrow we saddle up and get on the road again and head South to Alabama to visit Fellettes relatives for a couple of days, Then it is "Westward Ho The Wagons" across Texas and in the general direction of the Pacific Ocean. Back to our 8' x 17' home on wheels again.

Photos are probably self explanatory except the Rebel Cavalry in the trees, and not the "Little Negro Drummer Boy", on the Union side of course.


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