Monday, October 30, 2006

Just another day in Atlanta

October 30

We are having a great time puttering around the house when the family is at school/work. Most of the small jobs we had to do are now done, we are beginning to look at road maps and routes to Alabama, where we will visit with Fellette's relatives

I don't really have anything exciting to write about folks. I will tell you about our Saturday in Atlanta though. First we went to the Coca-Cola Building. Yes, Coke is headquartered in Atlanta and they have a very large and interesting exhibition area showing the evolution of Coke since inception. Skads of memorabilia, and a small theatre that continuously shows Coca-Cola commercials going back fifty to sixty years. I found it fascinating to see all the people riveted to the screen watching Coke commercials with a look of contentment on their faces. Coca-Cola is about as American as you can get.

We of course overindulged in the sample rooms. Over 50 kinds of drinks from Cokes library of drinks are there for you to have as much as you like. Talk about kids in a candy shop. The exit from the exhibit, [that costs $11 for adults] is through the Gift Shop of course where Coke fans are in their dream-world. It seems to go on forever.

Next we went to The Underground, a trendy Mall that was built on abandoned industrial property and is a tourist attraction in itself.

While strolling through the mall I was fascinated by the extreme clothing, hair styles and garish jewellery worn by some of the locals. It appears that the "Rapper Image" that we see on TV is not for TV, it is indeed the way a certain segment of the population here dresses. Their attire and accoutrements when combined with the extreme body shapes adds to my bewilderment. I guess I'm a country boy after all.

Today Fellette and I did a little scouting for Rob and Sophie on their ongoing deck dilemma. The truck, now cleaned and polished likes to run without the trailer. I now find myself keeping up to the Atlantians, or is it Atlantonians, going 65 in the 45 speed zones.

We also went shopping for a Turkey Dinner that Fellette and I are going to cook later this week. We missed the Canadian Thanksgiving and will miss the American one since our friends the Cutlers in California will be in NY. She, Gail, promised to cook one for us as we buzzed through California on the way home but time will not permit. We have to be home for the Family Christmas Party December 3rd. My birthday will also be on the road this year, somewhere in Arizona or Nevada???

I read the Atlanta paper today, and I could not find the word Canada, no matter how hard I looked. We are not as important as we think we are.


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