Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Montreal to Quebec City.

September 27

Three hours on good highways, with fantastic weather. It is farm country all the way, with neat little towns tucked a bit off the highway. Miles and miles of corn fields, didn't know that about Quebec.

We arrived at the campsite just after noon. It is well off the highway and quite comfortable. Fellette did a load of wash and I worked on the trailer. We had a bit of water get in during the heavy the rain in the prairies, so I removed the old caulking and redid it around the front window. Then I then fixed the drip in our waste water valve. A run down to the RV supply store to fix the electrical cord cover on the outside of the trailer and I was out of jobs to do.… These little things make me feel that I have done something constructive today, other than polluting the atmosphere.

Later we zipped down to the local super market. I always enjoy markets in foreign places, whether it be in a Tescos store in Britain or a fish market in Zanzibar. This was just a big store called Metro Plus. Boy, they have some nice stuff. I suppose it is the thing about 'yonder fields are always greener.' We don't really eat much fancy fare, but both enjoy looking at it.

I wore my 'Canada' hat to the store to let them know that we are tourists. Really. The people are all very nice, they just look upon themselves as Quebecers first, then Canadian. The more I read on the history of this country the more I understand them.

Tomorrow in Quebec City I hope to understand what happened at the battle of the Plains of Abraham, a battle that lasted 30 minutes! I bought a history book in Ottawa that is a good primer on the beginnings of Canada. It is very interesting, and I think that if the situation had been reversed, that is to say, if the beginnings of the country were British and it was lost to the French, us Anglo-Saxons would have a chip on our shoulder.

On the Quebec Licence plates it states, 'je me souviens', which Fellette says means 'I remember.'

I found out that those words are a reminder to the Quebecers to remember their roots, ancestors, traditions and those who fell for their freedom. It is also the motto of the Royal 22nd Regiment that is based at Valcartier and Quebec City at the citadel.


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